Chapter 2 of The Connected Educator

Technology has come a long way in recent years, and its impact on our daily lives is undeniable. From the smartphones in our pockets to the laptops on our desks, technology has transformed the way we communicate, access information, and conduct business.

Overall, technology continues to evolve and shape our world, and it will be exciting to see what new developments emerge in the years to come.

digital technology has opened up a world of opportunities for career development and growth, and it is up to us to take advantage of these tools to improve their careers.

The Connected Educator addresses the significance of creating these online networks for learning, professional, or even personal purposes. These communities that they show us exhibit the required tools and the benefits of using these communities. One of the primary advantages of these communities is communication. They enable us to connect with people from all around the world, allowing for improved networking and the opportunity to assist one another. For example, they use an example of how a first-grade teacher "uses technology to help her students connect, collaborate, and learn with people from around the world". (Nussbaum-Beach and Hall 32). You must network in order to sell yourself to others while searching for employment, and the personal learning network facilitates this because it is designed to drive personal growth. Following the paradigm provided by Nussbaum-Beach and Hall, these learning communities would facilitate networking by allowing you to interact with anybody at any time and promote yourself to them.

After graduating from Stockton, I'm hoping to take some time off school and hopefully travel a little, I feel as though I have been working and going to school all my life and never getting a break really isn't how i want to live my life. I would like to take a break and find myself and put my career on pause for a little because there is so much, I would like to do in life before continuing to work. I am confident I will find my dream job, but if life has a different path for me then I will strive to do the very best I can. I am to the point in my life where whatever life takes me, I am going to enjoy the ride and enjoy the little things around me. a lot has happened and changed for me this past year and i am hoping that 2023 will be better.


  1. It does seem like networking is very important, and the internet does allow that to happen in a blink of a eye. I like that you're taking some time off after you graduate. In this day and age everyone is so concerned with working, and making money no one is truly living just to live.


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